This website contains images of graves and human remains. If you find viewing images of ancestors and their graves disturbing or offensive, we recommend proceeding with caution or not accessing this site. We respect the dignity of past peoples, and post images of ancestors, their graves, and grave goods with careful thought and consideration. The nature of our research at the Dead Sea Plain sites revolves around the diverse ways human ancestors and people today engage with human remains and grave goods. Many archival photographs and plans contain images of human ancestors, and therefore any images we display contain these elements.

Follow the Pots with Us

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The ‘Follow the Pots’ research program explores two interconnected sides of an archaeological looting story: the conventional archaeological investigation of the emergence of prehistoric urbanism and increasing social complexity in the Early Bronze Age of the southern Levant, and the multiple and contested values of this archaeological heritage to multiple stakeholders today.

What this means is that we study how archaeologists, people living in the southern Ghor, looters, intermediaries, museum administrators, government officials, antiquities dealers, and collectors think about, acquire, and use pots and other grave goods from the Early Bronze Age (EBA) cemeteries of Fifa, Bab adh-Dhra` and en-Naqa/es-Safi.

Follow the Pots (FTP) emerges from several years of archaeological and ethnographic fieldwork and analysis by Chesson, Hill, and Kersel, including the Landscapes of the Dead project and more broadly the Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain.

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  • 37 Locations
  • 32 Educational Institutions
  • 8 Museums
  • 2323 Pots
  • 108 Researchers